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Plan for Higher Education

Plan for Higher Education

529 Plan

Start Investing Today to Help Pay for Future Education Expenses

529 plans are one of the most popular ways of saving for secondary education. They are sponsored by a state or state agency where savings can be used for tuition, books, and other education-related expenses at most accredited two- and four-year colleges and universities, U.S. vocational-technical schools, and eligible foreign institutions.

Should I Invest in a 529?

Many people saving for college choose 529 plans as their investment vehicles, and that's for good reason. 529 plans offer tax advantages that can help you allocate even more dollars to education expenses. There are a variety of plans available, and you're not limited to just your own state's plan.

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What is a 529 Plan?

One of the biggest hurdles to achieving the goal of a college education is the cost. A 529 is a specialized savings account specifically designed to help save money to pay for college, and in a way that is tax-advantaged for you.

Possible Tax Advantages

Earnings on 529 investments accumulate tax-free, and distributions are tax-exempt, as long as they are applied toward eligible education expenses like tuition and room and board.

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2024 Stratton Credit, N.A
Member FDIC | Equal Opp. Employer | NMLS#525022
2024 Stratton Credit, N.A Member FDIC | Equal Opportunity Employer | NMLS#525022